Baby Oasis Whats the Best Food to Make

What do astronauts eat when they are in space? This page volition tell you all about the meals space explorers consume, and how they eat them. As specialist retailers of infinite toys, space dressing upward and other fun space stuff, we love everything about space exploration. If you have whatever queries or think something is missing, please e-mail us at britain

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A crew enjoying weightless food

What'south and then difficult about eating in infinite?

The main problem with eating and drinking in space is that there is no gravity. If you let get of a piece of nutrient in a space craft, it will drift around, not fall to the floor. H2o won't stay in a cup, it will float out and hang in the air. Food crumbs and drops of water could bladder effectually the spacecraft, brand a mess or even damage the the infinite arts and crafts itself.

The first infinite missions only lasted for a few minutes, so of course there was no need for the crews to eat, but every bit missions became longer, astronauts had to be fed.

Special ways of packaging and eating foods had to be invented for infinite meals. Scientists spend lots of time working on foods for space travel, to make sure astronauts stay fit, happy and healthy, then they can be at their best while they are in space.

lunch for an astronaut

The first infinite foods

The outset meals eaten in space were soft, gloopy foods a lot like baby food, packed in tubes like toothpaste. The astronaut squeezed these meals into their mouths!

The first meal an American astronaut ate was apple-sauce. The outset Russian astronauts, or cosmonauts as they are known, ate tubes of Borscht, which is a type of Russian vegetable soup. The tube shown hither is a tube of Borscht. This early space food was not very practiced to eat, and astronauts didn't really relish it.

An American astronaut called Gus Grissom got into problem after eating a corned beef sandwich that had been smuggled onto the Gemini iii space craft. Gus'south real name was Virgil, and the character Virgil Tracey, pilot of Thunderbird 2 in the tv series, was named after him!

Early space food packets

Special foods for space travel

As missions became longer, and astronauts complained more about the quality of their food, scientists came up with a new mode to provide tasty meals in space.

Freeze dried food was cooked, chop-chop frozen and then had the water sucked out of it in a vacuum chamber. This food would last ages, without being kept cool in a fridge, and was easy to packet and shop on board a spacecraft.

Of course at that place was no water in the food at all, and while some things, like fruit could simply be eaten dry, other foods needed to be mixed with water to make them edible. To prepare their meals, astronauts squeezed h2o into the package of food, with a h2o gun, and and then ate the moist nutrient afterwards a few minutes.

Astronaut food in a tray from the Skylab missions

Hot meals in infinite

The NASA Apollo missions, which took men to the moon, lasted several days, and so the astronauts had the luxury of hot water to mix into their food to make hot meals! They were able to savor hot soup, craven and rice, spaghetti, beef sandwiches, and even chocolate pudding!

In the 1970's NASA invented a special tray to warm upward food, and fridges were added to space craft like the Skylab space station, to keep fresh fruit and vegetables.

By the time the Space Shuttle was flying in the 1980's astronauts were eating varied and complex meals, that looked much like food y'all would eat at dwelling house, including mashed potatoes, bread-pudding and jambalaya. Special scientists who know well-nigh diet make sure that astronauts ever become all their vitamins and their five-a-mean solar day fruit and vegetables, even in space!

Japanese food - astronaut style

Corking nutrient - in space!

To make certain astronauts are happy while they are in space, peculiarly if they are going to spend a long time in space, scientists invest a lot of effort in working out means to make their favourite dishes suitable for aught gravity eating.

The International Infinite station (the ISS) has been home to astronauts of lots of nationalities, and sometimes they have brought foods from their home countries.

In 2008, Gregory Chamitoff brought Jewish bagels with him to the ISS. The picture here shows some Japanese dishes, with noodles in the packet on the right.

How does an astronaut drink in space?

A refreshing

Drinking in infinite requires special equipment to cease the drink going everywhere. Drinks are normally kept in pouches, with a built in harbinger. Some missions even bear soft drinks, with special nozzles that manipulate the drink direct into the astronaut's mouth. Coca Cola have even designed a Coke dispenser so that space shuttle crews can go a cold soda whenever they want one!

Astronauts enjoying lunch Valentina Tereshkova eating on board Vostok spacecraft Getting space food ready to eat using the full kitchen in the Skylab Space station

Astronauts have adult bowls, trays and cutlery, that concord everything in place with velcro, and so they can eat their meals much more similar they would consume at domicile.

Here are iii astronauts enjoying a meal together - notice that the food on their trays doesn't fall off because there is no gravity.

Being in infinite means that astronauts' bodies need different vitamins in their foods to stay good for you.

They need extra calcium and vitamin D, to keep their bones strong, because when you are floating in space basic become weaker - they don't take to work so hard in space!

On board a space shuttle, there is a full kitchen, with hot and common cold water and an oven. Cracking meals tin can exist prepared upward in space.

It takes about 20 to xxx minutes to add water and cook a meal in the shuttle, and the washing up is done with special wipes.

Astronaut ice cream Astronaut strawberries

You can buy astronaut food to try yourself at home. It is freeze-dried and comes in lots of varieties.

This is freeze dried ice cream, which is real ice-cream, but doesn't need to be kept in a freezer. It tastes not bad too!

The process of freeze drying food was invented for infinite travel, but is now used for everyday foods also.

Some breakfast cereals now comprise freeze dried fruit, like to these strawberries.

Future space suit.

What will astronauts eat in the time to come?

Scientists believe that in the time to come, astronauts will be able to grow their own nutrient. Longer missions, to Mars, or long stays on space stations in the future volition require astronauts to be gardeners too!

Astronauts will grow peanuts, spinach, cabbage, lettuce, rice and other vegetables. NASA imagine the crews growing crops that can be turned into staff of life, pasta, salads, and even soyamilk shakes.

Plants take already been grown in space. These experiments were carried out so scientists could cheque that information technology was possible!

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